Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Citrix PVS server rebalancing continuously

In the PVSs StreamProcess.log (logging level=Info) there are 2 consecutive warnings that occur repeatedly:

WARN CSSProtocolModule::GetLoginProtocolObject We'e looked at all the available protocol objects and found none that work, returning null protocol object.

WARN CSSProtocolModule::LoginProtocolObject could not find an available subnet-matched protocol object for client ip 123456789, will fall back to any available protocol object.

Opening the log file in CMTrace these entries are highlighted in yellow.

The first unusual thing to notice is the format the IP address is given in. Plug the given value into MS Calc in Programmer mode and convert to Hex. Resolve to an IP - i'll leave this as an exercise, but it involves correctly grouping the Hex digits and resolving back to Decimal...

Once you've gotten hold of the IP, resolve to the hostname it pertains to and you have your culprit machine causing the PVSs to repeatedly rebalance.

Important Note: this was easy enough to resolve when one vdi machine has issues and in this case your StreamProcess.log will contain the warning pair of entries repeatedly referring to the same client ip. But if the warning pairs are pointing to multiple clients, man you got big issues...check your network for dropped packets.

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